Update 10/29/13

well rearranged anyways. The team has been updating computers and networks as well as cleaning house. I love the new set up! Took alot of doing but it feels like home :)

Update 10/24/2013 - Learning New Stuffs

Here at shapetrix we take prided in learning new things and over coming big challenges, so if you follow us check out or progress with Construct, its a pretty sweet little piece of software. Thanks, Shapetrix Entertainment


This is the first game I've made using Construct2. I followed a tutorial since I'm just learning. It's a great program if you're an artist like me. You use the arrow keys to move and the mouse to aim and left click to shoot. Hope you enjoy.


Still learning Construct2 and am loving it so far. I made a platformer also with the help of a tutorial. I had fun making it and hope you enjoy.